Along This Wall is an online exhibition of writing and visual art from all countries and cultures, showcasing the untold stories that need to be heard. Come share a poem, a photograph, a drawing or a short story that tells how your life has been touched by cancer.

Monday, March 10, 2008

An idea

"I will travel the full walk and document the experience via visual art, photography, journal writing, poetry and story telling.

I will create photographs that capture the abstract essence of the journey. Be they landscapes, portraits or abstracts, the images will convey ideas and messages, and be accompanied by written reflections.

I will publish to an internet blog for the extent of the walk, connecting to the internet via cell phone or satellite connection where available, either daily or at completion of each stage.

I will promote this journal virally, through networks and communities, both local and international.

I will invite submissions to the blog from young people around the world.

These submissions will be stories of lives touched by cancer, told similarly, through the use of visual art, photography, creative writing and story telling.

I will publish these submissions, tying them back to my personal experience of the journey, perhaps even the shared experience of other walkers.

I will do this hoping that the journal then takes on a life of its own, and in effect tell a communal story of young peoples’ Journey with the shared challenge of cancer."

Proposal, 06/03/08

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